Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monsanto acquires major Brazilian sugarcane breeding program

Monsanto has expanded its interests in Brazilian agriculture with the acquisition of CanaVialis and Alellyx. Acquisition of CanaVialis will make Monsanto the proud owner of the largest private sugarcane breeding program in the world. With this deal, Monsanto will also acquire Alellyx, a genomics company founded by Brazilian scientists that has already partnered with CanaVialis toward the development of Bt/Roundup Ready sugarcane varieties; and and development of varieties that are sweeter, more energy efficient, more drought tolerant and so on through genetic modification. I suspect they plan to find and further modify organisms capable of fixing nitrogen in sugarcane, since it is already known that such organisms exist. Brazil is far and away the largest sugarcane-based ethanol producer, though there are other countries who are following their lead, most notably India and Colombia.

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