Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New addition at our house

The Mangels family, a family in our congregation, had a cute little dog show up at their house a little over a week ago. Judy visited them, was introduced to this dog, and learned of the family's efforts to find its owner, and short of that, someone who might be interested in taking the dog. Judy fell for the cute little dog. With Nikki gone, and Kitty showing signs of his age catching up with him as well, we decided to bring him home. We also made an effort to find the rightful owner. We have had the dog since Sunday, and it is beginning to look more and more like we will permanently keep this dog. It's about the same size as Nikki. While we are not 100% certain, we believe this dog is a yorkipoo, which is perhaps the most common of terms used for a hybrid between a yorkshire terrier (yorki) and a poodle. Our new addition is about 18 months old (according to a vet assistant who looked him over).

He needs a name. So you are welcome to weigh in, after looking at his picture. The dog has a black back, and his belly and legs are solid brown. The thing I like most about this dog, especially compared to Nikki, is that this dog is very quiet. As a watch dog, I guess this isn't a good thing, but for peace in the house, it is great.


Lori said...

He is SO CUTE!! Definitely has yorkie in him - I bet you guys are totally right about the yorkipoo guess. That's a bonus that he's so quiet, too! Hmmm, I'm not too good at coming up with names, though. I'll have to think about it... BTW, did the vet tech look for a microchip?

BayouCane said...

There was no microchip, unfortunately.

Lori said...

How about Peanut? He's the size of a peanut and is the color of peanut butter. :) (James' idea.)