Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Diana Hansen-Young - an artist we knew in Hawaii

Diana Hansen-Young
 I was browsing the net and bumped into  We knew this rather intriguing lady, Diana Hansen-Young, and her two young children, when we lived in Hawaii.  They lived in our neighborhood and attended our church.  She was a fairly well known artist and had her own distinctive style of Hawaiian art that had a lot of local appeal.  Click on "Paintings" at her website to see a sampling of her style of painting, as illustrated by the painting below.  She is of Swedish stock and definitely doesn't look Hawaiian.  I don't know how she came to live in Hawaii, or the circumstances behind her marrying a fellow of Chinese descent (Mr. Young).  Her two children by her Chinese husband are named Heidi and Thekla.  She divorced Mr. Young. Discovering her website, and filling in some of the blanks up to the present time was fascinating for me, because she was such a compelling lady.  It doesn't surprise me that she is now living in Paris, and has continued to pursue the arts, both art and music.  She appears to have recently married another rather interesting fellow.  Her children, now grown, are obviously gifted.  I note that Thekla has become an attorney...even spending a brief time in New Orleans.  Apparently, Thekla moved down here two days before Katrina happened.  What a bummer.  It's too bad we weren't aware that she briefly moved down here.  I'm sure she would have remembered us, and our children who would have been about the same age range as herself.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Every now and then I've thought about Diana Hansen-Young and wondered what she's been up to. That's cool that you came across her website! Glad to hear that Thekla and Heidi are both successful, although that really is too bad Thekla moved to NOLA right before Katrina. It would have been neat if you could have met up!