With almost no work, except for the digging at the end, we harvested a wheelbarrow load of sweet potatoes this year...getting an even bigger harvest than last year. We don't even know what to do with them, except to give a good portion of them away .
This past weekend we planted our annual fall-winter garden which includes carrots, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower*, cabbage*, loose-leaf lettuce*, head lettuce*, beets, swiss chard, bush beans, spinach, and onions*. Starred (*) veggies were transplanted. The bush beans are experimental for us this year as a winter crop. The rest are veggies that I know first-hand will thrive in southern Louisiana's fall and winter. I would like to think that this will be the last garden crop I will plant in Louisiana, but I'm not betting very heavily on it.
Holy moly that's a lot of sweet potatoes! I like the sound of your winter garden, too. Yum. :)
Wished we lived closer to have enjoyed some of those sweet potatoes..:) we gave up on gardening here in AZ-- it's just too hot and nothing really grows very well. Lots of work and not much fruits.. Our trees are doing ok though.
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