Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tew Family Crest

Okay, I've given up on the idea of restricting my posts according to what day of the week it is. Bad idea. After all, this is just a blog, i.e., whatever is on my mind. Let's just say that on the whole, since I work from Monday through Friday, it's just more likely that I will be posting something work related. On Fridays and Saturdays, I have a greater interest in the culture around me. And on Sundays in particular, the focus will be more family/church oriented. Let's just leave it at that.

A long time ago, back when I was in college, I got the genealogy bug for a while. One of the projects I tackled was to create a Tew family crest based on a written description in a book about family crests, not based on any picture, per se. I thought I had long since lost the picture I had created, but it resurfaced the other day, so I scanned it.

Speaking of family names, I found a website that actually shows where each surname is most concentrated within in the United States. In the case of the name, Tew, the intermountain west and the southeast are where it is most concentrated. The states that light up the most are Utah, Alabama, and North Carolina.


Neal said...

That's neat. I've seen that crest before, but I thought you just found it somewhere ... didn't know you recreated it yourself.

Lori said...

Same here--I thought that was the real thing! That website is fun to play with, too. James' family name doesn't show up until the 1990 database.

Bertasso Family said...

Hmmm...oddly enough, Bertasso doesn't make the cut :) I also didn't realize you had made the crest yourself.