Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tribute to my brother, Burton Tew Jr.

I just got back from a four-day business trip to Orlando, Florida, and not more than an hour or so after returning, my brother, Burton called from his home in West Valley City, Utah, to relate to me that he had passed an important milestone. He reached his 80th birthday on June 5. It seems rather strange to think that I have a brother who is 80 years old. At any rate, there was a nice get together to recognize his achievement at which around 160 people showed up. Several others sent e-mails, congratulating him. I suppose his call to me was a gentle reminder that I overlooked the event. Honestly, I really should have e-mailed him when he passed the mark, and feel badly that I didn't. In picture: Burton (left), Louise (center).

Burton has lived a most fascinating life, and is widely respected for his breadth of knowledge. He has been invited to speak at an array of forums on an incredibly wide range of topics. By training, he is a chemical engineer, but he can hold his own on topics that reach far beyond the realm of his formal training. It helps that he was born with a photographic memory. Burton has a great sense of humor, and the jokes in his memory bank that he can draw on is truly amazing. My personal favorite, is Rindercella, which he can still do on call, and every bit as funny as Archie Campbell's version. He and his sweetheart, Louise, raised six children, Leah, Patricia, Cindy, Bart (deceased), David, and Ronald. They presently have a pretty sizeable group of grandchildren, and are now at the age where great-grandchildren are part of their lives. Burton served on a mission in England (1948-50) and later with Louise as a missionary couple in San Diego (1992-93). Dad lived to age 78, so Burton has now surpassed him. God willing, he will have a few more birthdays yet to come.

1 comment:

Lori said...

James' family still talks about Burton's famous Rindercella performance. :) Happy birthday, Burton!