Friday, July 11, 2008

SPEBSQSA changed to BHS

The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America has now become the Barbershop Harmony Society, while retaining the old title on their books for legal and sentimental reasons. This is the official organization for barbershop choruses and quartets in the U. S. The organization is actually international with a fairly sizeable number of chapters in Canada, the U. K., and elsewhere.

I was fortunate enough to have been part of a very successful barbershop chorus (Skyline Chorus) in Utah Valley while living in Provo. I miss the comradery that was felt, being part of this wonderful organization, and dearly wish we had a chorus close to home here in the Houma-Thibodaux area. There are barbershop choruses in Baton Rouge (Showboat Chorus) and New Orleans (Mardi Gras Chorus). Choruses are able to perform throughout the year in a wide range of venues. They usually put on an annual show, inviting world class quartets (often very humorous) to be part of their show. They also compete with each other at a regional level, and if good enough, at an international level. The Society just had their most recent international competition (early July) in Nashville. Choruses also have breakout quartets that perform on the side in their own venues.

To get a flavor of what a barbershop chorus is like, and a sense of why I miss being part of one as much as I do, I found this video made by The Southern Gateway Chorus based in Cincinnati. Go to their website and click on "Irish Blessing." This brief song, and how it is harmonized, will give you a sense why participants often describe barbershop singing as a spiritual experience. Some of the patriotic songs we sang brought tears to my eyes every time I sang them. And of course, barbershop wouldn't be barbershop without havin' a fun time while singing some hilarious songs, and doing some pretty silly antics on stage while singing them. Check out the Chordiac Arrest Quartet...they're one of the best, when it comes to keeping the audiences entertained!

Finally, getting back to that original acronym, SPEBSQSA. Back in Utah, how we remembered it was, "Stake Presidents & Bishops should quit singing altogether!" (only LDS members may appreciate this)

1 comment:

Lori said...

I remember when you did the Barber Shop thing in Utah--that was pretty cool! It's too bad they don't have anything in the Houma area right now...