Monday, December 1, 2008

Winter garden update

We had very large cauliflower plants but hadn't seen any evidence of a flower head. I was getting a little impatient, so I peeked inside the plants, and to my great surprise, we had full-sized cauliflowers. This is the very first time in my life (at least, that I can remember) that I have grown cauliflowers, so I was pretty excited. The cabbage is doing as well this year as it did last year. I have become a fan of winter gardening in south Louisiana, having had success two years in a row.


Lori said...

WOW, that's amazing!!! I can see why you're enjoying the winter gardening! That's really cool...

Given Family said...

wow that's a huge cauliflower.. how fun. we are enjoying our winter garden as well. Plenty of tomatoes this year!