From the agony of the badly damaged Superdome with huddled masses inside of it following Hurricane the ecstasy of the New Orleans Saints cheering their beloved team on to their first ever appearance in a Superbowl four years later, it doesn't get any better than this. The Saints are actually going to the Superbowl!!!
The two teams were so evenly matched that the outcome of the game essentially came down to who would win the flip of the coin in overtime. Of course, the Saints and their fans deserve all the credit in the world for making it actually happen!
Can you imagine what New Orleans is going to be like between now and Mardi Gras, which happens this year on February 16, with the Superbowl being on February 7. As was said on our local news cast early this morning, "After last night's victory, there are going to be a lot of people calling in sick because they have "black and gold fever," over the next three weeks.
HA! Black and gold fever - I like that! I didn't realize Mardi Gras and the Super Bowl were so close together this year, either! I'm guessing things are pretty lively down there! I'm excited that the Superbowl will be in Miami, too - that's practically home field advantage! That was a great game last night. GO SAINTS!!
Very good game indeed. My palms were sweating something fierce at the end. GEAUX SAINTS!!! You're right about this being more than just a football game and team. They are the NEW America's team -- move over Dallas Cowboys!!
I'm glad that we've been able to visit so much to get an idea of what the team means to the city and state.
I hope they win it all--we'll be cheering for them in our sweatshirts and Mardi Gras beads. I just hope that if they win the Bowl that they won't tear the city apart.
The Saints should feel like they have home field advantage in the deep south. Strangely, this is the fourth time that the Colts have gone to a Superbowl...and all four times in Miami. What are the odds of that?
I agree that New Orleans had better brace itself for craziness if the Saints manage to win in the Superbowl.
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