Tuesday, April 22, 2008

For those who didn't know...

My wife, Judy, is an artist...and not just a good artist. She is a very good artist. While we still lived in Hawaii, and while I was working for the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association or HSPA (now the Hawaiian Agricultural Research Center or HARC), she created these two paintings that presently hang in my office. People who walk into my office and see the painting of sugarcane tasseling in the Maunawili Valley on Oahu, are amazed when I tell them they are looking at a painting and not a picture. For those with Google Earth, to see the location that inspired the painting, cut & paste coordinates: 21 20 50 N 157 46 08 W into the search box. The cane fire painting was created from a photo taken at Oahu Sugar Company during a controlled sugarcane burn just prior to harvest. Judy's signature is visible at the lower left corner of both paintings. Judy has several other paintings, some that have been given away to family, at school reunions, etc. I think you would agree that, had she pursued it, she could have made a living being an artist.

1 comment:

LAB said...

Those paintings are truly awe inspiring. I would not hesitate to spend good money for such beauty. Tell Judy that she needs to do more paintings. It would be a shame to let such talent go to waste.