Monday, January 5, 2009

50 things I would like to do

Here's the "other" list, even if only half as big as I promised.
  1. Be a better neighbor
  2. Learn how to use our gas grill
  3. Prove I can have success growing wild rice, taro, cassava, or some other exotic food crop in Louisiana’s unique environment
  4. Lose 52 pounds in the next 52 weeks (fat chance)
  5. Retire in four years at age 65
  6. Avoid having to be a Walmart greeter for the rest of my life
  7. Live in an interdependent self-sustainable community after I retire
  8. Live close to hiking trails, caves, streams & lakes that I can enjoy after I retire
  9. Become fluent in Spanish
  10. Visit a liberated Cuba
  11. Ride an elephant in the Royal Chitwan National Park in Nepal
  12. Visit Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal and see Mt. Everest with my own eyes
  13. Run in a 10-K
  14. Raft the Colorado River
  15. Tell you where I was when the first human stepped foot on Mars
  16. Be the first human to step foot on Mars…just kidding
  17. Patent a turfgrass variety
  18. Write a fiction novel
  19. Learn SAS inside and out and become as good at statistics as I was when I completed graduate school at the Univ. of Minnesota
  20. Financially assist an underprivileged youth in reaching his/her full potential
  21. Join a regionally competitive barbershop choir
  22. Sing in a popular barbershop quartet
  23. Read more and watch TV less
  24. Learn how to meditate
  25. Climb to the top of King’s Peak (the highest point in Utah)…finally
  26. Visit the Holy Land and climb Mt. Sinai
  27. Receive a vision
  28. Serve on an LDS mission with Judy for 18 months
  29. Live close enough to our grandchildren that we could visit them much more frequently than is presently possible
  30. Take up golfing again after I retire
  31. Take up cross-country skiing as an excuse to visit family in the winter
  32. Become a skilled amateur woodworker
  33. Become a skilled archer
  34. Complete a fully updated William Thomas Tew Heritage Book by 2010 for the benefit of his posterity
  35. Own a home outright before I die
  36. Score 178 or better in bowling
  37. Go to Disney World at least once in my life
  38. Visit every state in the nation that I haven’t already been in (NH, VT, and SC)
  39. Keep in contact with old friends
  40. Be a more loving and giving companion to Judy
  41. Learn how to give more and expect less
  42. Be more optimistic about the future
  43. Have my portrait painted
  44. Determine with certainty the ancestry of Louis Roy (my great-great grandfather on my mother’s (LeRoy) side) all the way back to France
  45. Become a better blogger
  46. Learn to take quality pictures and videos to enhance my blog site
  47. Write the story of my life in a way that it actually benefits posterity
  48. Leave a respectable inheritance for my family when I leave this life
  49. Become more assertive and stand up for myself when wronged
  50. Find my “voice” (Covey’s 8th Habit) and inspire others to find theirs
Happy New Year to all and may some of the things you would like to do be fulfilled this year.


Lori said...

What a great list! It's cool to learn about your aspirations. It's also inspiring to create some goals of my own...

They call him James Ure said...

I share some of your goals and if you like I can help you out with meditation.

They call him James Ure said...

Oh and I might do one of these lists too. I already copied your "100 things I've done list." Hope you don't mind...

BayouCane said...

Thanks for the support guys!

Given Family said...

that is a great list. Thank you for sharing, it's very inspiring to me. I think you can cross off #20, you and mOm helped me so much those first few years when I came here and have continued to help me.. Lessons I learned from you continue to help me. I can never thank you enough.