We visited the neighboring towns of Monteagle and Sewanee. As we approached Monteagle, we stopped at a National Park site to get a better understanding of the Cumberland region. Immediately after going inside the building, fierce winds and strong rains followed by marble-sized hail descended on us. It got very dark, even though it was around 2:00 p.m. The lady hosting us told us that we were under a tornado warning; she was obviously anxious about what was going on outside. We were very thankful to be inside a sturdy building. We later learned that a very damaging tornado hit
the city of Murfreesboro, only 50 miles away, during this period. We visited The University of the South in Sewanee, a well-endowed university, with impressive buildings on the campus, and tough admission standards. They are able to attract the likes of T. Boone Pickens, who will be talking about energy on their campus tomorrow.
>>>>>On Sunday, we visited the South Pittsburg, TN branch that the Millers attend. They meet in a Phase I building (like Julie's and Matt's). They were very happy that Judy was there to play the piano. In fact, after the 3-hour block, some of the members gathered around the piano, mostly young women, and encouraged Judy to keep playing hymns so that they could keep singing. It was really a cool experience.
After church, we returned to Overlook Mountain, to learn more about its significance in relation to the Civil War. There are only four Civil War military battlefields that have been preserved like the Chickamauga/Chattanooga, the other three being at Gettysburg, PA; Shiloh, TN; and Vicksburg, MS. All four were pivotal to the outcome of the Civil War.
>>>>>Sunday evening into Monday morning, strong winds kept pounding us, making me wonder at certain times if we might get flipped over. Apparently, there were reports of gusts that exceeded 60 mph in the area. Monday, we returned home, encountering some heavy rain in Mississippi. We learned that there were more devastating tornadoes in the general region over the weekend. It was a fun trip, and we definately learned more about the camper, and a few things we need to do between now and the next trip, whenever and where ever that will be.
1 comment:
I'm so glad to hear you had such a great trip, and especially that it went without any major incidences! We were thinking about you guys when we heard about all the weather. That's crazy you were so close to some of those tornadoes! Sounds like you got a sturdy pop-up camper, though!
That green community sounds really cool! I'd love to live in a place like that.
Wow, TN is gorgeous! Suddenly I know of a few more places I would like to visit. Especially that place with the waterfall and the hanging bridges. And of course, the Civil War battlefield would be incredible to visit.
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